

Selective distribution system for luxury products allowed


The agreement between the distributor of branded (cosmetic) products and retailers that the ”luxury character of the products must be preserved” when the goods are offered does not violate European competition law. 

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Offering SIM cards with pre-installed, active services is unlawful without explanation


If a telecommunications provider markets SIM cards on which certain chargeable services, such as Internet access or mailbox services are pre-installed and already activated without adequately informing consumers about the existence of the services and the costs incurred, this constitutes a violation of competition law. 

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Dismissal for extended lunch break


A worker may be dismissed summarily if he “has left work without authorisation”. The absence must be substantial and without a legitimate reason.

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The legal consequences of the digital estate


The German Federal Supreme Court ruled that heirs fully enter into all legal relationships of the testator due to the general applicable universal succession. This applies equally to all digital contracts with operators. 

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Telecom providers may unilaterally amend general terms and conditions and terms of payment


Telecommunications providers are allowed to unilaterally modify general terms and conditions and terms for service prices on the basis of the statutory provisions of § 25 TKG without a contractual agreement in this respect.

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The German Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) can be enforced by removing content and blocking


Social network operators can enforce compliance with the Code of Conduct both by removing the illegal content and by blocking the user account concerned. 

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Reimbursement of commission in the event of flight cancellation


If the flight is cancelled, the commission collected from the passenger by a brokerage company on the purchase of a flight ticket must also be refunded as part of the total price. 

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Chargeable bank statement unlawful


The fee of € 2,00 for a transmission of account statements by mail, which is provided in the terms and conditions of a bank, is not legal.

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Parents damages in case of delayed education start of the child following an acciden


Because of the injuries suffered in a traffic accident, the plaintiff's daughter was unable to take the entrance examination for medical studies. 

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Account charges may only be increased under certain conditions


The transparency requirement of the KSchG stipulates that the consumer must be informed about the significant influencing factors of a fee increase in order to understand the effects of a clause.


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