

Obligation of a web shop to integrate a link to the ODR platform


Entrepreneurs can use an alternative dispute resolution procedure in accordance with the EU Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs to resolve their disputes with customers. 

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EU regulation makes it easier to take security measures against debtors


To date, in cross-border claims a creditor is confronted with an unknown enforcement procedure. 

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Liability of the search engine operator for search results?


While liability of host providers has already been decided by BGH and OGH, the question of the conditions under which Google & Co are liable for illegal content on linked pages has not yet been decided.

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Interpretation of a foreign arbitration award


The successful party to an arbitration procedure before the Chamber of Agriculture Poland applied for the enforcement of the arbitration award at the OLG Brandenburg.

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Interest clause and refusal of disbursement and cost allocation in the GTC


The clause of the calculation of the interest rate is based on the calculation method "ACT / 360" is legal. This standard method of calculation is based on the assumption that one year has a period of 360 days and that one month has a period of 30 days resulting in slightly higher interest rates.

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Investigation duties of the real estate agent


If there is no indication of inaccuracy, a real estate broker acting as a double broker may hand over the seller’s information to the buyer without verifying it.

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Restriction for the offset by the borrower in the GTC


According to a provision stipulated in the GTC the bank can offset all claims against the borrower but the latter can only offset claims against the bank that are linked to the liabilities arising from the credit relationship, or which have been judicially awarded or recognized by the credit institution. 

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Brokerage contract in distance selling


If a real estate broker submits an exposé to a prospective buyer with a clear demand for a commission fee, this is deemed as an offer for the conclusion of a brokerage contract.

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Share buyback as a business transaction


If the buyback of own shares by the AG is at least partially in its own operational interest, then the subsequent reissue of these shares by sale is a taxable transaction.

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Commitment period of a timeshare contract


In case a consumer concludes a timeshare contract with an entrepreneur it is considered inadmissible to stipulate a long-term commitment without the possibility of ordinary termination for the consumer. 

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